Our THIRD Re-Tech Event
On a fairly grey and blustery evening a hardy group of souls came together for the third Re-Tech meet up in Bristol. We knew running an event in March might not quite have the appeal of our first event which was on a boat on a balmy summer evening – but it really was quite grim outside 😐
We’re pleased to report that a bit of rain didn’t put people off. The evening itself was full of colour, debate, pizza and drinks. Thank you to all who attended.
The word about Re-Tech has been clearly getting around. For this, our third meet up, we had over 100 registrations and most people came on the evening. Jackie and I began to lose count somewhere in the 80s – suffice to say it was well attended.
Re-Tech is a relatively new thing. It has still to evolve and mature. For this version we introduced a speaking element. We didn’t want anything too serious or foreboding and so we set our speakers the challenge of 15 minutes, with no slides, to talk about a topic that is both dear to them and should be interesting to the audience.
And so we approached David Hodgson from TFP Hydrogen Products and Chris Hughes from CI Mindset as our first ever pair of speakers. Both were excellent choices in their very different ways.

David gave an excellent account and overview of his experience with green hydrogen and what he see’s as the major challenges that lie ahead – all very topical.
Chris came at things differently. We asked Chris to speak because he has no sector experience. We wanted a different voice in the mix, someone who has done amazing things that the renewables audience would never have normally come into contact with. Chris is a specialist consultant who works on change management programmes for businesses large and small (and by large we meant it, he counts Airbnb, Aviva and the BBC as clients). His talk was all around the idea that in order to create meaningful change, it is necessary to reframe discussions not around what the business needs, but what the customer benefits from – all very smart thinking.
The event itself would not have been possible without the support from Apollo Engineering who sponsored the evening. Thank you to Jonathan and Nigel from Apollo who attended and got stuck into the conversations on the night.
And a shout out to our venue, Bambalan. Your pizzas are delicious.
Now the focus turns to the next meet up. We’re looking to put on further events in Bristol and potentially further afield. We’re now actively looking for sponsors, speakers and supporters to make the next event happen. If you’d like to get involved please get in touch with the Re-Tech team.