+44 330 133 1980 hello@renewables-tech.com

Knowledge, collaboration, innovation

Connecting good people in Renewables and Technology

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Our mission is to provide a much needed platform for
genuine discussion about the role of technology
as the enabler of the energy transition.

Creating space for conversation

The time is now

At Re-Tech Events, we believe the successful transformation of the power sector is crucial to our collective future.

Global governments have set lofty goals. Public awareness is at an all time high. There is a mandate like never before but what are the practical barriers standing in the way?

Innovation and the adoption of new technology will be key. This process is already well under way, but only through sharing knowledge can it reach its true potential.

Solar farm sunset

Previous events supported by

Sennen logo
Empire engineering logo
Make the break logo
Apollo logo


Upcoming events

What you can expect from Re-Tech Events

Crowd at Re-Tech 9 November 2023


Our provisional plans are for three more events in 2024.

Re-Tech #8, Bristol, 19 September 2024

Re-Tech Presents 'The Great Debate,' Aberdeen, 8 October 2024

Re-Tech #9, Glasgow, 24 October 2024

Join the mailing list to be in the know.


Hear our story

How it started

It began with pizza

In the last few years, we’ve all spent too much  time on Teams. Following the success of the first Re-Tech Event in Bristol, there is a clear appetite for a place to come together as an industry (and not just for some free pizza).

Gathering momentum

How it’s going

More than 100 people getting involved

The word is spreading. We’ve added some short informal talks from industry experts into the mix.

Join the mailing list to be in the know for the next event.

Who’ll be at the next event?

Previous Event attendees

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Re-Tech Events